Hello! My name is Anton. My main job is a director of photography, however, I can write texts, act as a host, and even translate. If you have a video creation task, feel free to contact.

Email Telegram Instagram


Rozetka ltd. → Video Producer, 2016–2023
Gagadget.de → Video Editor, 2022–2023
Various freelance activities → Promodo, Igrova Baza, Slidan, Sun Pharma, UDA, SneakerBatya, 2020–2023

Rozetka Travel → DoP, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, 2020–2022

Course lector in “How to create YouTube channel for beginners”, 2020-2022

So what can I do for you?

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to spice up your tiktok. Maybe you need an YouTube Add.

  • Every idea needs to be written down and discussed. I can write you scenario or text in the style you like.

  • Camera, Lights, Action! Let’s turn your script into a real movie.

  • After shooting the video it needs to be edited. I can do this both quickly and professionaly, counting for all of your wishes in the process.

What about a big-production content?

Wanna go simpler?

What if you need a big brand name content?

Something easy to undestand and on budget?

Do you need some tik-tok worthy content?

From idea to finalized video - I can do it all.

If you have any more questions, ideas or suggestions, feel free to contact me on e-mail or messenger of your choice.